MediaMelon News & Events

SmartSight QBR

How SmartSight QBR Saves Bandwidth & Objectively Improves QoE


MediaMelon’s SmartSight QBR (aka SmartPlay) is a streaming optimization solution that reduces bandwidth use by 35% or more and improves QoE while working with your existing ABR content without re-encoding. As you’ll read in this post, SmartSight QBR works by analyzing the quality of every segment in an ABR package using a objectively researched technique that produces an iMOS hintfile, which is used by the SmartSight enabled video player to improve the logic that selects how video segments are retrieved.

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Nowtilus MediaMelon

MediaMelon Partners with Nowtilus’ to Provide Comprehensive Ad Optimization


MediaMelon, a leader in online streaming video intelligence and automated experience improvement today announced their partnership with Nowtilus, a pioneer in AI-driven video personalization services and provider of the open ad insertion platform MediaMelon also announced the immediate availability of an integrated solution developed in collaboration with Nowtilus, providing greater measurement transparency and accuracy of ad insertion through continuous measurement from the client-side video player as well as player interactivity feature management.

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iMOS Video Measurement

How Consumers Actually Perceive Video Quality and How to Measure It


At the heart of the debate on how best to improve the quality of video streams for viewers is a discussion on how to measure video quality. As Peter Drucker famously said “If you can’t measure it how can you improve it?”

Several approaches to measuring quality have been developed, but it is right to ask if quality measurement in the controlled data centre environment tells us anything about the video quality viewers actually experience when streamed to their device over the internet?

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